
Class Styles


Focused on calming the nervous system and steadying the mind, Moon practice is deep and nourishing with longer posture holds. Emphasis is on creating stability and calmness in the body and mind.

  • Primarily forward fold and twist category postures which have grounding and balancing effects, coupled with conscious extension of the exhale. Holding the breath out at the bottom of the exhalation and gentle application of Mulabandha (Root Lock at the base of the spine) are also explored.

    • Have a busy life and/or a busy mind

    • Feel anxious our ungrounded

    • Want to feel more stable and calm

    • Want to improve their sleep and digestion

    • Want to better manage anger or emotional reactions

    • Want to improve concentration and meditation practice


Sun practice is focused on energy management and developing a deeper relation to Prana (Life Force) – energy that sustains us and all of life. More dynamic than Moon practice, Sun practice involves sensitising to the energetic system that animates the body, and cultivating power from a stable foundation.

  • Focused on backbend and lateral category postures to energise and expand, coupled with conscious lengthening of the inhalation. Holding the breath in at the top of the exhalation and application of Jalabandha (Chin Lock) to contain and cultivate energy in the chest are also explored. A steady mind is important when practicing Sun classes.

    • Want an energising and vitalising Yoga practice

    • Are mentally grounded and calm

    • May be feeling stagnant

    • Want to feel more positive

    • Want to improve circulation and/or immunity

    • Are interested in sensitising to their energetic system


Fire practice is designed to ignite the radiant power of the soul. The practice uses all elements of Hatha Yoga, including developing the inhalation (Sun) and exhalation (Moon) and merging them in the navel centre at the Manipura Chakra to cultivate the Yogic Fire of transformation.

  • Deeper work with Bandha, particularly Uddiyana Bandha at the navel centre to cultivate fire, Mudra (combination of Asana, Pranayama and Bandha) and Mantra are also utilised in Fire Practice. The focus of the practice is to still the mind, cultivate energy, burn through limitations and safely call forth our dormant spiritual power know as Kundalini Shakti and transform it into activated power (Prana Shakti) – the essence of our greatness.

    All posture categories are included in Fire practice including forward folds, twists, backbends, laterals along with the addition of extensions and inversions. Fire practice increases physical challenge, with the true emphasis on the cultivation of ‘internal heat’ centred in the navel, complimented by directing awakened Prana (Life Force) into the spine which is considered our pathway to the Infinite, and ultimately meditative absorption into the heart.

    • Are feeling physically and mentally balanced

    • Are stable, calm and grounded

    • Have an established relationship with Prana (Life Force)

    • Recognise Yoga as a practice of mind, body and spirit

    • Are ready to transform and expand


A nurturing practice to soothe the body and mind through softness and surrender. Yin Yoga is a floor-based practice, supported through the use of props and exploring poses for longer time periods. This allows gentle opening of the body and provides space for calmness of the mind.

  • Yin Yoga practice allows us to reach the deep connecting tissues in the body for a nourishing physical practice, as well as working with Meridian lines (energetic pathways) for balancing our chi (energy / life force).

    Leave the busyness of your day outside the door and settle into your mat for deep relaxation on physical mental and energetic levels. Our Yin classes will leave you with a balanced sense of calmness and ease.

    • Want to invite more balance into the body, mind and spirit

    • Experience a busy lifestyle and want to schedule ‘me time’

    • Are seeking a nourishing and restful practice

    • Would like to gently stretch and deepen into their physical practice

    • Are looking to provide the space to allow the fluctuatons of the mind to quieten

Dynamic Hatha

This class incorporates principles of Hatha Yoga with the inclusion of Asana (postures), Pranayama (breath) and meditation. A grounded and stable base is established from which we invite movement between and building into holds for the intentional direction of Prana (life force / energy).

  • With a focus on breath and energetics of postures, energy is raised throughout the sequence, while using the breath as a tool to focus the mind and finishing with meditation to leave students calm and grounded as they move off their mat.

    • Enjoy being active in their lifestyle and Yoga practice

    • Are seeking ways to bring more peace into their day

    • Are interested in the physical, energetic, mental and soul benefits of Yoga

Pranayama & Meditation

Changing our breathing patterns immediately influences our nervous system and mind. Meditation rewires neural pathways, deletes mental programs and negative beliefs that aren’t serving us, and connects us to the inner bliss and joy that lies beyond the thinking mind.

  • Breath and mind are intimately connected, how we breathe is directly related to how we think and experience life. As we begin to shape our breath consciously, the mind has no choice but to respond. To maintain conscious control of the breath, the mind must remain present

    Our breathwork and meditation classes offer a variety of Traditional Pranayama (breath) and Meditation techniques to facilitate a range of physical, energetic and mental experiences.

    • Are interested in the potential of their breath to channel and direct energy

    • Would like to gain masterful control of the different energetic systems in the body

    • Would like to practice stilling the mind


A simple sequence of passive Asana (postures) held for a few minutes each while comfortably supporting with the use of props, allowing the body to truly rest and the nervous system to restore. Improving postural alignment, and repairing injuries, while focussing on breathing patterns (Pranayama) to reset the diaphragm's rhythm, which directly impacts the body's physiology and invites a presence of the mind.  

  • Slowing down the breath steadies the pace of the mind allowing us to more intimately know ourselves, choosing our thoughts, clearing our energy flow, and providing the ideal environment for healing and creation. 

    These classes will support you in improving your day-to-day breath and learning how to shift into a state of feeling calm and present, within a body that feels spacious and free to move. Appropriate for all levels, ages and body types and encouraging physical, mental, and emotional relaxation, helping with stress and anxiety relief. 

    • Are wanting to improve their breath awareness, and reduce stress/anxiety

    • Experience a busy lifestyle and want to schedule 'me time'

    • Have injuries that require joint alignment and reducing scar tissue to relieve

    • Feel the body is stressed and muscles are always tense

    • Would like to experience a state of deep relaxation of body and mind

Yoga Align

Beginning with breath awareness and simple floor-based movement, developing into more active yet mindful moves with complete body awareness, to find focus, strength and stability in the mind and the body. An all-round practice exploring movement with breath to find the balance between strength and ease in forward folds, backbends, twists, laterals, extensions and inversions.

  • Yoga align practice finishes with a wind down into passive Asana surrendering into restoration and quietening the mind with Pranayama (breath) and guided meditation.

    A balanced practice of Yin and Yang, exploring breath to feel calm, grounded yet energised. Mastering the breath to develop core support and mindfulness.

    •  Are interested in moving the body with alignment

    • Would like to learn how to move the body functionally

    • Would like to understand the breath more deeply

    • Want to learn more about the physical aspects of the practice, without missing out on the benefits to mind, body and spirit

    • Feel they are inflexible or posturally out of balance

    • Have injuries that require joint alignment and stabilisation to repair

    • Feel anxious, ungrounded or easily distracted

Introductory Hatha

Introductory Hatha classes focus on the fundamentals of Hatha Yoga including correct alignment and protecting our body, energy system and mind when practicing. Explore the physical, energetic and mental impacts of different pose categories based on spinal orientation. Understand the importance of a complete Yoga practice comprising Asana (poses), Pranayama (breath) and Meditation.

    • Are new to Yoga.

    • Practice Yoga and want to gain a deeper understanding of the Hatha Yoga system.

    • Are interested in learning the science that supports the development of a complete Yoga practice.

Encouraging, supportive and empowering guidance.

Intro Offer

14 days Unlimited Classes, just $60

Our intro offer allows you to experience the studio before you commit.

  • Unlimited classes for two weeks

  • Chance to try as many classes as you can and see which ones you like

  • Allows us to suggest class styles that suit your needs

  • Can be used at any time, even if you have already been to a casual class

Our Class Timetable

Take a breath while our class timetable loads.

Yoga Privates

Samadhi Collective has a range of private options available, whether you’re looking to refine your craft, develop your own personal practice, or simply be led through a deep and intimate one-on one Yoga class.

Regular studio classes are amazing, but they can only take us so far into the many wonders and benefits of Yoga. Originally the Yoga system was taught one-on-one, from teacher to student.

“Practicing privately with one of our Samadhi Collective teachers provides the opportunity to evolve your Yoga practice and unlock deeper layers of healing, transformation and growth.”

What we need and desire from our Yoga practice varies greatly as individuals, and classes can be tailored accordingly to address individual physical, energetic and mental requirements. If you’re feeling the call to expand your practice and your potential off the mat, private Yoga classes are a great way to explore this.

Your personalised, tailored practice.

14 day intro offer: $60 unlimited classes
Drop-in casual class: $25
Class Passes:
5 class pass: $100
10 class pass: $180
1 month unlimited class pass: $180
6 month unlimited class class: $900
1 year unlimited class pass: $1600
2 class weekly membership: $30
3 class weekly membership: $40
Unlimited weekly membership: $50*
Privates: $90

*Coming soon

Group bookings, corporate functions, and events by inquiry contact us.


Samadhi Collective offer a range of pricing options in effort to best support our community, whether you’re a once in a while drop-in Yogi, or you’re on your mat more frequently.